Many performances, projects and festivals were cancelled due to Covid pandemic during this time.
- YORK FESTIVAL- Family programmer.
- PEARL THE ROVING PERFORMER appeared at Positive Aging Expo and the Long Table Dinner Fremantle
- JULUWARLU Corp. ROEBOURNE Ngurra Nyujunggamu performance - creating large scale puppets and masks
- PERTH FESTIVAL - NOONGAR WONDERLAND constructing sculptures and workshops in collaboration with Sharyn Egan.
- WA MARITME MUSEUM -leading workshops in the creation wooden boats and Turtle sculptures/puppets using recycled materials.
- COMMUNITY ARTS NETWORK [CAN] - Lead artist for Place Names Melville- resulting in Noongar community exhibition at Goolugatup Heathcote. Also ran community and schools workshops to create large ephemeral artworks outside in the grounds alongside exhibition.
- COMMUNITY ARTS NETWORK [CAN] Making Time conference Kalamunda, ephemeral environmental art images and paintings.
- CITY OF FREMANTLE/ERTH VISUAL & PHYSICAL INC collaboration. Solo Wild Freo Exhibitions in Artsource and the Whaler's Tunnel.
- CICERELLOS MANDURAH- commissioned to create sculpture for entrance statement-ode to fishing industry- steel and recycled materials.
- PAPER ROUTE- short film - lead actress.
- YORK FESTIVAL -lead artist in construction of cubby village
- COMMUNITY ARTS NETWORK [CAN] - Lead artist for Place Names Walyalup. Exhibition with Noongar community at Fremantle Art Centre.
- FISH SHACK EXHIBITION - opening event for HERITAGE FESTIVAL.Curator of exhibition and artist. B-Shed Victoria Quay
- THE WILDING STORIES- artists retreat Margaret Rv. Ran workshops creating miniature sculptural works.
- INDIGO SAND- Regional tour- South West /MidWest/Wheatbelt.
- INDIGO SAND-performed season at Awesome Children's Festival
- PERTH FESTIVAL- series of kite workshops at Fremantle Art Centre
- MOODJAR CONSULTANCY- scribe for corporate workshops.
Many performances, projects and festivals were cancelled due to Covid pandemic during this time.
- LONG TABLE DINNER -Fremantle. Performed as Baroque styled Pearl the Guerrilla Granny- roving performer/teabag readings.
- COMMUNITY ARTS NETWORK -PLACE NAMES MOORA - a year long project. Project manager /lead artist resulted in the production of KEP GABI book,
- RED EARTH ARTS CENTRE- Karratha -creation of large octopus puppet with youth from Karratha, Roebourne, Dampier and Wickam
- BALAYI HOUTMAN 400 FESTIVAL- Geraldton and Rockingham. Community workshops to design and create a large seamonster puppet -
- CHINATOWN -Festival Broome- Pearl the Guerrilla Granny - roving performer, also won the Ropemans Challenge.
- Fremantle Long Table- Pearl Guerrilla Granny - roving performer.
- BALAYI HOUTMAN 400 FESTIVAL- Exhibition Queens Park Centre- installation of VOC AND TERRA AUSTRALIS NONDUM COGNITA
- SPARE PARTS PUPPET THEATRE- Developed 5 performances with Kwinana schools for the KWINANA YOUTH FESTIVAL
- ALBANY ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE- exhibition of large underwater photographs in the View restaurant.
- HERITAGE FESTIVAL- FISH GUTS AND ALL- bus and walking tours to places of significance for Fremantle fishing industry.
- CICERELLOS RESTAURANT FREMANTLE- sculpture commissioned as entrance statement .
- INTENSIVE CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT puppetry/animation/film//design with Davey and Kirstin McGuire [UK]
- REVELATIONS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL- ”Ageless” wins BEST FILM for 60+ category for in Life in Pictures -co created with Ian McGlyn
- BALI INDONESIA - Professional development. Attending 9 performances [including puppetry/mask/dance] and rehearsals with Peter Wilson and Made Sidia.
- WESTERN AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM Learning and creativity presenter.
- SANDPIPER PRODUCTIONS- Studio based public workshops in printing, sculpture and puppetry arts
- SNORKELLING TOURS - Manjaree Bathers Beach. I offered private individual tours.
- PEARL THE GUERRILLA GRANNY-roving performance over new years eve for Mandurah City
- PERTH INTERNATIONAL ARTS FESTIVAL- Museum of Water custodian. My Floating Artworks exhibited during this time.
- SPARE PARTS PUPPET THEATRE - performer Tom Vickers Extraordinary Adventures. Regional Tour and Fremantle.
- ROTTENEST ISLAND-Dept Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions- Artist in residence for Plastic Free July
- BLUE ROOM-- Summer Nights Season of MEDUSA- performer.
- PUPPETRY MASTERCLASS- with Ria of Papermoon [Jogjakarta Indonesia]- at Spare Parts Puppet Theatre
- BALI -puppetry performance at Puri Lambing Munduk.
- SANDPIPER PRODUCTIONS- Studio based public workshops in printing sculpture and puppetry arts
- PEARL THE GUERRILLA GRANNY performs at Curtin University, Paramount Hotel and for Don Russell Performing Art Centre.
- COMMUNITY ARTS NETWORK –Creative industry Forum presentation and panel member
- ROTTNEST ISLAND AUTHORITY- Plastic Free July -Salt Store Exhibition , Artist in Residence -workshops.
- INTERNATIONAL FIGURA OFFIDA FESTIVAL -Italy - puppetry performance, conducting puppetry workshops assisting with parade.
- CALOGEROS CAFE-- photographic exhibition
- NEXUS Grant -DADAA #2 -Mentor in puppetry arts
- WOMEN OF THE WORLD Katherine Northern Territory -co-creation and direction of festival opening event From Tradition to Textiles.
- GUERRILLA GRANNY- interactive performer at Joondalup Festival, Curtin Uni, Fremantle Heritage Festival-host for Retro & Vintage bus tour.
- FROM 12 - 32 DEGREES SOUTH- solo exhibition at Habitué, North Fremantle.
- FREMANTLE FESTIVAL -commissioned puppetry component.
- JOONDALUP FESTIVAL- commissioned to design and make large processional Fish Boat lantern,
- DOT on the LAND-self funded community arts project Mid West Region based on stations.1mth duration.
- BURUNGA FESTIVAL- Arnhemland. Assisted with site decoration, Co-conducted printmaking workshops at Barunga school with Mand Markey.
- BALI- Puri Lumbung, Munduk and Singarara -puppetry performances.
- CALL OF THE SEA sculpture exhibition Moores Contemporary Art Space.
- DISRUPTED FESTIVAL - speaking book.
- STRETCH FESTIVAL -Mandurah- Designer/creator of dinghy for opening event -through community workshops.
- PRTH INTERNATIONAL ARTS FESTIVAL- Walk a Mile In My Shoes -performer [ Empathy Museum UK] .
- Perth International Arts Festival- artist liaison and props design/creation with GIANTS-[ Royal De Luxe France]
- Ngalak and the Flood -Big Mama Productions- Kimberley WA and France UNIMA World Puppetry Festival
- Sculpture @Bathers Exhibition
- Synth Exhibition -Albany Harbour
- NEXUS Grant -DADAA #1 -Mentor in puppetry arts
- Solo Exhibition - photographs and sculptures at Bathers Beach House Restaurant
- Artist in Residence- Tuida Theatre- Hwacheon South Korea- created puppets and co-developed festival performance
- Meniscus- solo exhibition Moores Building- installation, prints, photographs
- Sunset Verandah , Summerset music venue- Scarborough- art installation
- Tasty Express Cafe- photographic exhibition
- Fremantle Art Centre -Artist in Residence
- Perth International Arts Festival- props purchaser/production
- Theatre Kimberley- River Stories- artistic direction and design of puppetry with Bayulu community .
- Art Afloat - Fremantle Festival- floating exhibition in collaboration with Christmas & Cocos Island. Installed in Fishing boat harbour & Kidogo Arthouse
- Arts & Culture Christmas Island- co-direction and development of exhibition Art Afloat
- Perth International Arts Festival. [PIAF] performer in Stan's Cafe Of All The People In All The World: Time Zone GMT+8 [UK]
- Perth International Arts Festival. [PIAF] props for Mariano Pensoti's La Marea [Argentinia]
- Fremantle Art Centre -Artist in Residence
- Perth International Arts Festival. [PIAF] performer in "Oraculos" with Teatro De Los Sentidos. [Spain]
- Big Barge Art Centre "Art Adrift" Exhibition of floating installations around Direction Island . Cocos Keeling Islands.
- Professional development Art/theatre research Turkey, Italy, Spain and England .
- Fremantle Festival- "Guerrilla Granny" interactive performance - Fremantle,West Australia
- Theatre Kimberley - performance, design and construction of puppets for "Staircase to the Moon." Broome Kimberley,WA
- Turtle and The Tradewinds- puppetry dance animation performance. Season at Deckchair Theatre, Fremantle.
- Cocos Island Artist Retreat- artist in residence Big Barge Art Centre Cocos Keeling Islands.
- Katherine Fringe festival - Goorrondolmi Design/ direction of puppet performance with Dagoman community Katherine N.Territory
- AIR Residency- Develop puppetry performance -culture of the Derbal Yerigan/Swan River, N Fremantle P School
- Barthulha Webbs - fibre residency. Artist and tutor at residential bush camp. Springvale Northern Territory
- Arts and Culture Christmas Is. created environmental art trail in collaboration with Cecile Williams. Christmas Island
- Toured "Turtle and the Trade Winds" to the Ubud Writers Festival ,Ubud Bali. and to Surabaya, East Java
- Stretch Festival - Perceptions Exhibition Art Installation on Mandurah foreshore, WA Australia
- Perth International Arts Festival Writers Festival- driver and production crew. UWA Perth, West Australia
- Perth Cultural Centre - Art Gallery of WA Sculpture installation and workshops utilising Lego Perth, West Australia
- Barking Gecko Theatre . "African Magician" Designer/maker of set,props,puppets/masks. Director of puppetry WA
- "Warrior & the Princess"-Shirley Van Sanden Visual director for script reading Perth, West Australia
- South Perth Zoo- Design and construction large puppets. South Perth, WA
- Perth International Arts Festival [PIAF] Project co-ordinator- Manganiyar Seduction.
- PIAF- performer-Les Giraffes with Comagnie Off, Perth, West Australia